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Resonant responses of metasurface enable effective control over the polarization properties of lights. In this paper, we demonstrate a double-rod metasurface for broadband polarization conversion in the mid-infrared region. The metasurface consists of a metallic double-rod array separated from a reflecting ground plane by a film of zinc selenide. By superimposing three localized resonances, cross polarization conversion is achieved over a bandwidth of 16.9 THz around the central frequency at 34.6 THz with conversion efficiency exceeding 70%. The polarization conversion performance is in qualitative agreement with simulation. The surface current distributions and electric field profiles of the resonant modes are discussed to analyze the underlying physical mechanism. Our demonstrated broadband polarization conversion has potential applications in the area of mid-infrared spectroscopy, communication, and sensing.
Due to the presence of several unique electromagnetic phenomena, such as thermal radiation, molecular fingerprint absorption, and atmospheric transmission, the mid-infrared region with wavelengths ranging from
Polarization is one of the fundamental properties of electromagnetic waves. Control of the polarization state of mid-infrared lights is important for a wide range of applications such as spectroscopy, wireless communication, and molecular sensing.[7] Conventional polarization control has been realized by employing the Brewster effect or birefringence,[8] which usually requires a relatively long optical path to obtain sufficient phase accumulation. Recently, artificial materials such as optical antennas and metamaterials have emerged as a promising approach to manipulate the polarization of lights.[9–11] A large number of high performance polarization converters have been reported at microwave and terahertz frequencies using various metasurface designs,[12–18] which are typically based on metal–insulator–metal (MIM) layered structures. In order to realize similar device functionality in the infrared region with higher frequencies, one would meet the challenge of smaller device features in fabrication, and need to take into account the non-perfect conducting properties of metals.[19, 20] Despite the fact that many metamaterial structures, such as the plasmonic optical antennas and graphene-based metasurfaces, have been proposed for polarization conversion in theory,[21–25] there are only a few experimental demonstrations in the infrared region. Lévesque et al. presented a plasmonic L-shaped antenna which converts the linear polarization of light to its cross direction in the mid-infrared region.[26] Recently, Zhang et al. demonstrated a near-infrared polarization converter using an ellipse-shaped plasmonic metasurface.[27] Both of these infrared polarization converters are based on two overlapped plasmonic resonances. In order to increase the device’s bandwidth as desirable in practical applications, one pathway is to superimpose more resonant modes.
In this paper, we demonstrate a mid-infrared polarization converter by superimposing three resonances in a double-rod metasurface. The double-rod metamaterials have been well investigated in prior studies with focuses on several fundamental aspects such as collective effects, plasmon-induced transparency, and dark and bright mode properties, etc.[28–30] Here, we report on the effect of polarization conversion in a double-rod metasurface. By fabricating a metasurface made of a gold double-rod array atop a dielectric film backed with a metallic ground plane, we measured a cross polarization conversion over a bandwidth of 16.9 THz around the central frequency at 34.6 THz with conversion efficiency exceeding 70%. The surface current distributions and electric field profiles of relevant resonant modes are investigated to reveal the mechanism of the reflective polarization conversion. Our demonstrated double-rod metasurface exhibits more operating bands as compared to previous designs.
The unit-cell of our designed metasurface structure is sketched in Fig.
The structure is modeled and simulated with Ansys’ HFSS solver in driven mode, which is based on the finite element method in frequency domain. The Cu and Au layers are described with a Drude model with optical parameters given in Ref. [31]. The dielectric constant of the spacer ZnSe layer is assumed to be 2.4 as given in Ref. [32]. Floquet excitation port and periodic boundary condition were applied in the unit-cell, and the S parameters were used to calculate the complex reflection coefficients. The incident light is assumed to be polarized in the y direction, and the reflection coefficients of the cross-polarized and co-polarized lights are designated as rxy and ryy, respectively. The polarization conversion ratio (PCR) is defined as
The metasurface sample was characterized with Fourier transform infrared reflection (FTIR) spectroscopy. A broadband globar IR light from the FTIR spectrometer was focused by an 8-inch (1 inch = 2.54 cm) focal length off-axis parabolic mirror onto the sample with a spot size of about 1.5 mm. The reflection from a copper mirror was used as the reference spectrum. Two wire-grid polarizers were arranged in either parallel or crossed configurations in the optical path to measure the co-polarized or cross-polarized reflection spectra, respectively. The setup consisted of two coaxial sample and detector rotational stages. The blocking of incident beam by the detector limits the minimum incident angle to be 15° in our measurements.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) Measured (meas.) and simulated (sim.) reflectance (a) and PCR (b) of the metasurface sample. |
In prior reported broadband polarization converters[11, 17, 33] it has been shown that the physical origin of the cross polarization conversion is related to two eigenstates excited at two orthogonal incident polarizations, which are along
To better understand the physical mechanism of the measured reflective polarization conversion, we investigated the properties of relevant resonant modes. Figure
In addition, the electric field profiles of the resonant modes also shed light on the effects of geometric parameters on the polarization conversion performance. For the 26-THz mode shown in Fig.
We next studied the angular dependence of the polarization conversion performance. Figures
![]() | Fig. 6. (color online) Simulated (a) co-polarized reflectance ![]() ![]() |
Finally, we examined the effect of coupling between the double rods on the polarization conversion performance. Figure
In conclusion, a broadband and high-efficiency reflective linear polarization converter made of double-rod metasurface has been demonstrated in the mid-infrared region both theoretically and experimentally. Our measured results have shown that the double-rod metasurface converted linearly polarized light to its cross polarization in the frequency range from 26.2 THz to 43 THz with PCR larger than 70% and an FWHM bandwidth of 16.9 THz. The physical mechanism of the achieved broadband polarization conversion was shown to originate from three resonant modes, whose surface current distributions and electric field profiles were analyzed in detail. Our demonstrated metasurface polarization converter expands the device functionality for polarization control in the mid-infrared, which can also be scaled to other spectral regions by changing the geometrical parameters in design. Although the wide bandwidth is demonstrated here by using three overlapped resonances, the principle can be applied to involve more resonances in specially designed structures for further improvements. In addition, by replacing the metallic ground place with structured antennas, we can expect unidirectional light transmission besides the polarization conversion.
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